Waves price
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Welcome to pospool.io

Our pool is the most simple way to start mining
Waves, MRT, ETT and many other tokens.

Working since May, 2017

Low fees

Our fee is the smallest on the market right now, only 2%.

No transaction fees

Reward payments are performed in our blocks, so this transactions are free for us.

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How it's works

Our address:
Click to copy
Lease your Waves
It's simple and safe. Open your Waves client, choose Lease tab and send to our address.
Wait for confirmation
Usually it takes 1000 blocks. You can always check your current status in Waves explorer.
Earn other coins
We will send you profit every 5000 blocks directly to your address.

Profit calculator

How many Waves you will lease?
For 6 month I will get
1100 Waves
For a period of
6 months
Your profitability


How to lease waves and start mining from the lite client or full node?
If you use Desktop version or Lite app of Waves wallet please open Leasing tab, enter the amount, then make a transaction by pressing the LEASE button and prepare to Ride On Waves!
Is it secure, are my funds safe?
Yes, It’s absolutely safe and you can cancel leasing at any time. Safety of your funds is actually guaranteed by Waves Platform LPOS algorithm, which means you do not transfer your Waves tokens, you just make it possible for pospool to use them for mining process. Your Waves tokens stay in your Waves wallet, they are just being locked during leasing period!
How much will I earn and in which tokens will I be paid?
As in others POS algorithms, pool profit depends on luck and balance. So, it is hard to say how much you will earn, but one thing for sure, your earnings will depend on the amount of leased Waves. We pay out everytime our pool mines 5000 blocks. You can find a list of supported tokens below.
Currently, we support the following tokens as a fee: ETT, MRT, RiptoBux, Oceanlab, EFYT
If you like to add you token to this list or you have any question, please contact us: